When you’re planning for a deposition, there are many things to consider. You’ll need to make sure you have the conference room reserved, all the necessary admonitions prepared, and the best court reporter you can get! You not only want to acquire testimony that furthers your case, but you also want a great transcript to look back on. Luckily, when it comes to records, there’s one simple trick to ensure you get it right every time!
When you enter a deposition with a focus on creating a great record, you’ll be more conscious and mindful of your questioning strategy. Court reporters love working with attorneys who focus on the record instead of the moment of the deposition. After all, the deposition is just part of your case before it goes to trial, and ultimately a great record will be more helpful than a deposition appointment where you’ve been caught up in the moment.
Court reporters can do a lot to make you look good! Each court reporter at First Legal is highly trained and skilled in their field, and they want to make your deposition the best it can possibly be. Look out for them too by making sure that everyone in the deposition room is speaking one at a time. If too many people are speaking at once, it’s very hard to capture an accurate record. By contrast, if you are considerate of your reporter by asking clear, grammatically correct questions, the record will be much more useful when it is read or shown to the jury. It’s important that your questions don’t contain double negatives, and that they are completed before moving on to the next point.
As you’re building experience in depositions, it’s a good idea to invest in multiple reporters who can write in real-time. Although the fees for realtime reporters are higher, it’s invaluable to be able to read and consult that record as your deposition proceeds. For more tricks to mastering your deposition, check out our other blog articles on the topic! First Legal Depositions is always happy to answer any questions you may have about the process. Don’t wait to contact us today!